Saturday 27 April 2019

Secret Saviours Anti-Stretch Kit

A few weeks ago I was asked if I would like to try out the Secret Saviours Anti-Stretch Mark System. When it comes to anything that may help my pregnancy, then I am always a willing participant. The kit comprises of a support band, day gel and night cream. They claim that this system makes it 70% harder for stretch marks to form, which is worth looking into alone.

I am currently 21 weeks pregnant, and we have recently found out that we are expecting a little boy which we are over the moon about!

I have started to use the kit, its still early days but I thought I would give you my initial thoughts on how I have found it.

First off the creams they smell amazing and eave my skin feeling really soft and hydrated. The day cream is a little sticky, but this is actually a good thing as it helps the band to stay in place.

I love the night cream I have been applying this before bed and again it smells divine.

I went for a small in the band itself, I am currently a UK size 6-8 and don't have much in the way of a bump. I don't find that the band is digging into me anywhere and it is giving me some great support. As I have been having issues with my joints, especially around my round ligaments and hips and I feel that so far this has definitely helped.

So far I don't have any stretch marks, but I am hoping that this will help to keep them to a minimum as by bump grows!

You can find out some more information on the kit and purchase yours HERE

Nb. I was sent the Secret Saviours Anti Stretch Mark System to trial. All views, opinions and photographs are entirely my own.

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