Saturday 23 March 2019

Wet Brush

It has been a while again since I posted on my blog, its been a crazy few months with plenty going on!

I decided the other day that I wanted a new hairbrush, Its not something I buy very often and I have been using my trusty Primark one for a long time!

Most people probably think a brush is a brush is a brush. However if you're like me and have long, often knotty hair, you know not all brushes are created equal. Most brushes induce tears at some point While I brush my hair, even with a detangler spray, so it is safe to say I don't look forward to this process after my showers.

I have been usng the same brush I had from Primark years ago  so I decided to buy one from Just My Look as they are a great price at the moment. I looked specifically for one that may help detangle. I ended up with this brush and some other flexible brush. There is no comparison and the wet brush pro wins hands down. I don't feel a thing when brushing my hair - neither when it's wet or dry. I can't even explain how this brush works, all I know is that it's a miracle. I'm planning to buy two or three more just so I never am without it.

I purchased my from HERE they are currently reduced to £6.95 which I think is a bargain!

Em x 

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