Friday 13 June 2014

St Tropez Lux Dry Oil

When I first saw this product advertised pit definitely caught my attention as I have tried many differny fake tans from creams mousse gels and sprays, but never an oil

The bottle looks beautiful as it's glass I think it makes it look like a really expensive product. It's a little more pricey than the St Tropez mousse but not by much

The shimmer settles to the bottom of the bottle so it did need shaking up before using it

It's very easy to see where you have applied the product thanks to the shimmer! But I did find it difficult to get the right amount as it's so runny I think this may get a little messy

Once it's blended in I really liked the colour it's defiantly not orange, I'm not to sure about the shimmer but once developed and the top layer has been washed off it looks good

I think I may try applying with a mitt as I just used my hands this time then cleaned up my palms with a baby wipe and it has not stained my palms. I'm not sure how much of it will be absorbed into the mitt? Don't think that a mitt is designed for applying an oil but I will give it ago

I'm writing is only two days after applying and so far it is fading evenly 😃 not sure whether it will last for it's stated 7 days though

Em xx


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